(NOTE: Regarding rise and set times being "general"....We could have incorporated a special algorithm that makes all rise and set times exact for any location. But we found it slowed down the program's calculation speed considerably. For example, when clicking the "Next Day" button, the new data would show up in two to three seconds. When not using it, the calculation were (are) virtually instantaneous. We felt speed was preferable, especially considering the fact that Ultimate PrimeTimes does not consider moonrise and set as prime periods, and sunrise and set in your area can easily be determined by other means.
So, don't worry if UPT shows a rise or set different from the official time for your area. The all-important Overhead and Underfoot times will be accurate for any location on any day.
Each period in the Top Periods list has a corresponding box on the time line below it. This allows you to see each period both graphically and numerically. All solar boxes are labeled appropriately, Dawn, Noon, "Heat/Day" and "Dusk," while the Moon Overhead period is yellow with "MO" and the Moon Underfoot period is black with "MU." Also, directly above the Moon Overhead (MO) period is a symbol of roughly how today's moon phase appears.
By clicking the Hide/Show toggles beside each period's numerical listing, you can hide or show any combination of the Top Periods boxes on the time line. This makes it simple to pick out the day's best (or second best, etc.) period on the time line, especially when one box is overlapping another. These overlaps can boost the potential of both periods and influence the order of the Top Periods.
Hint: Even though a number of periods may be listed each day, you may not find activity occurring in all of them. For example, if you are going for February bass in 45 degree water, there may be only one activity period that day and it will probably be the first one listed, maybe the second. On the other hand, if it's a good day in June, you could easily find activity at most or all of the listed periods with the top one or two normally being the best, of course.
NOTE: For a more graphic display of these software's features
click here.
Under the "Show All..." menu you have four options.