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The PrimeTimes Wall Calendar
For the Serious Angler & Hunter
Best Days of the Month Sample
(Month shown is not current)
A key feature of the PrimeTimes Wall Calendar, and perhaps the main reason for its world-wide success, is this "Best Days of the Month" chart, which rates each day on a scale of 0 - 100. The results are then displayed both graphically (the bar chart) and numerically (the bottom row of numbers).
These ratings reflect the amount of electromagnetic influence the earth is receiving each day, based on factors such as the moon's current phase (shown in yellow), its distance from the earth, plus the angle of the orbit of both the moon and sun (their "high-low" cycles). Other tables tell you there is no difference in the potential of any given new, full, or half moon. As you can see here, that isn't true.
See how this chart changes from month to month over a year:
Another major difference between PrimeTimes and the others is how each day's
Top Periods are presented. If you haven't already been to that page,
click here to see how PrimeTimes is the only one to incorporate those critical solar periods as well as the lunar ones.
For first-time buyers, may we recommend also getting our book, "How to Know When to Go" by Rick Taylor. It will help you get the most out of the PrimeTimes calendar, plus answer all your questions pertaining to this solar/lunar phenomenon. We offer it in two Special Packages along with both the PrimeTimes Wall and Pocket Calendars for a great price. Or add the App and save even more.