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the Astro Tables

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A Comparison
PrimeTimes vs.
moon tables

App sample
The Ultimate forecaster

Wall Calendar sample

Daily Periods Sample
Close-up of our peaks-and-
valleys format

Best Days Sample
Close-up of our famous
"Best Days of the Month" chart


Does PrimeTimes
really work?
Good info for the
newcomer or skeptic.

Solar/Lunar Articles
Honest look at the solar/lunar phenomenon

Q & A
Does PrimeTimes work for your area? are the lunar times always the best? ...more


Our Research Facility

About Rick Taylor
PrimeTimes' Creator/Publisher

email us:



NEW! Free Current Astro Tables

Why are we offering the famous Astro Tables here for free?

Because while the Astro Tables is better than any of the other so-called "moon tables"
out there, it's not our best forecaster. We are offering it here as an introduction to
how the moon can affect the activity periods of fish and game. Use it for a while.
Test it out. Your success rate will increase. Then, when you realize a few million
of your fellow anglers and hunters are using the same free forecaster, you're going
to want a better edge. That's when we hope you will consider moving up to our
PrimeTimes Wall Calendar or Ultimate PrimeTimes App.
These are by far the most comprehensive and accurate hunting & fishing forecasters
in the world, showing not only all the vital solar and lunar times,
but when they overlap to form those extra-strong periods:
And you get our state-of-the-art "Best Days" chart, which rates each day
on a scale of 0 - 100, clearly showing its relativity to all the other days.

Compare PrimeTimes to "moon tables"
PrimeTimes Wall Calendar sample
Astro Tables (Pocket Calendar) sample
Astro Tables Mobile Device Version.
App sample

"I started out using your free table, then decided to buy your full PrimeTimes calendar.
It's predictions have been right on the money. Thanks for introducing me to this concept for free.
I like companies like yours and that is why I support them."
Tony Manteneri, Somerset NJ
Read more Testimonials.

Ready to move up to PrimeTimes, and get all 12 months of these Astro Tables for Free?
Click here or call: 515-964-5516

The Moon Overhead and Moon Underfoot columns list
the two primary lunar times of each day.
The hour around moonrise and moonset may be secondary times.

The Top 10 Reasons You Need to Order PrimeTimes:

1. It truly is the best when-to-fish-and-hunt forecaster in the world.
There isn't even a close second.
(Read some unsolicited testimonials from our customers)

2. You'll have all 12 months at your finger tips and in crystal clarity.
(No more wasted minutes logging onto the web for a few fuzzy weeks at a time.)

3. Great for planning both short and long-range outings
(dozens of fishing organizations use PrimeTimes to set their tournament schedules).

4. The PrimeTimes Wall Calendar is only $13.95 (+ s&h) and you get a
FREE Astro Tables Pocket Calendar (an $9 value) with each Wall Calendar,
plus its digital version for your mobile devices.
The Ultimate PrimeTimes app is only $9.99, and it does everything for you.

5. Both make great gifts that keep on giving every HOUR of the year.

6. One full page of the Wall Calendar is devoted to insider tips
and summary charts that you can't get anywhere else.

7. While millions get our own Astro Tables monthly in national outdoor magazines,
newspapers, web sites, etc., only PrimeTimes has each day's complete story, such as
the prime solar periods, which are usually more important than the lunar periods.

8. PrimeTimes products are available only directly from us (see below).

9. The vast majority of people who buy PrimeTimes order it again the next year.

And most of them sign up to receive it automatically each year.

10. With PrimeTimes you simply WILL find more biting fish and moving game!

(Our forecasts are based on biological and astrophysical facts, radio-tracking studies,
observations from our research pond/wildlife area [which we monitor 24/7], the general
consensus of expert outdoorsmen, and astrophysical data from the U. S. Naval Observatory.)


1. Securely online with your credit card, visit our
Full Catalog (photos and product information), or visit our
Quick-load Catalog (no photos, loads in about 4 secs. with a 56K modem).
(NOTE: The best way to order is online through our catalog.
It's fast, it's safe, and you save up to 25% on shipping charges.)

2. By phone with your credit card, call at:

3. By mail: Send check or money order to:
Dept. Net
2487 NW 75th Ave. Ste. 100
Ankeny, IA 50023

We honor MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover (debits and credits), and PayPal.

We Ship Fast... in 1-2 Business Days, often the same day!


For first-time buyers, may we recommend also getting our book:
"How to Know When to Go" by Rick Taylor. It will help you get
the most out of the PrimeTimes calendar, plus answer all your
questions pertaining to this solar/lunar phenomenon.
We offer it in two Special Packages.

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